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October, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Oct. 31, 2007—Wow, I have really been ignoring my blog- oops! I have a great excuse though, really. My last 2 weeks of travel season were very, very busy, and concluded with a weekend at home in FL to be a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding. I assumed that when I returned to Nashville (over a week...

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October is College-Fair-O-Rama!

Oct. 10, 2007—I’m at my home away from home, the Hartford Airport (technically, my home away from home is the Nashville airport, but I know this place pretty well too), waiting to head back to Nashville for a quick turnaround (home for less than 16 hours). I flew up for just one college fair last night, and...

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Why do I visit high schools?

Oct. 5, 2007—As I was thinking about this blog and all of the details I have included about where I go and what I do, it never occurred to me that maybe the students don’t really get WHY I do these high school visits. In order to benefit the readers of my blog (in addition to the...

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