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Vanderbilt’s Class of 2016 and the Incoming Transfer Class are Now Closed

Posted by on Friday, July 20, 2012 in Academic Life, Admissions Committee, Early Decision, Waitlist.

365@VU: 169 - V is for Vanderbilt
Photo: Derek Bruff/Vanderbilt

We write to inform you today that the Class of 2016 and the transfer class entering fall 2012 are now closed. Those of you who remained on our waitlist until the end of the process were recently sent an email with this information in an effort to let you know as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether or not you were admitted to Vanderbilt, we appreciate the patience you showed during the entire application process. We remain humbled by the competitiveness of this year’s first-year and transfer pools, and the myriad accomplishments we discovered through your applications, phone calls, emails, campus visits and so forth. And we’re encouraged in the knowledge that each of you will fulfill the promise of your potential wherever you go from here.

Thanks again for your interest in Vanderbilt University. We wish you much success in your college career whether August sees you at Vanderbilt or at one of the many other esteemed institutions around the world.

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  • Emma Smitherman

    July 23rd, 2012

    If a wait-listed transfer applicant has heard nothing one way or the others, does that mean he/she was not accepted?

  • Ryan Burleson

    July 24th, 2012

    Hi Emma, the waitlist closing email was sent last week to all email addresses we have on file for waitlist active students. At this point, no one else will be offered admission to the Class of 2016 or transfer class entering fall 2012.

  • Anonymous

    April 21st, 2013

    I wanted to know did you start on sending decisions to all transfer applicants this year?

  • Ryan Burleson

    April 22nd, 2013

    Yes, we started sending transfer decisions on 4/19 and will continue to mail them weekly on a rolling basis until the transfer class is filled.

  • Anonymous

    April 26th, 2013

    I know you will admit students until transfer class is full , but when do you think that will be ?

  • Ryan Burleson

    April 30th, 2013

    Hi Eiriny, unfortunately we can’t predict a date that the transfer class will close.