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Impressions of Zanzibar

Aug. 6, 2011—Zanzibari culture was incredibly different from American culture.  To some extent it had to do with the fact that their society is much more conservative, dominated by Islam, but also involved just a different outlook on life.

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Lost in Translation

Jul. 25, 2011—In addition to my class of high schoolers, I also had a few more classes.  I worked with the night class, which was full of adults who worked during the days and wanted to learn English.  I also taught beginning French, which was certainly an experience in itself.

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Language Barriers

Jul. 10, 2011—One of my primary classes was teaching high school students (age 16 and 17) English after their school finished.  There were four teachers for a class of about twenty, so there was plenty of one-on-one time.  And while our class was five days a week, we needed A TON more time to teach them.  Teaching...

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Fish Heads and Floods

Jun. 28, 2011—In my last post, I said I would be spending a month in Zanzibar, Tanzania teaching English and other things.  I got back from this amazing trip in the middle of June, and can’t wait to tell you all about it. For the geography impaired (me), Tanzania is on the east coast of Africa, under the...

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Summer Plans

May. 6, 2011—As the school year draws to a close and summer gets ready to start, I’m looking forward to my summer plans.  While I’ll be spending most of the summer in St. Louis working as a tour guide at the St. Louis Gateway Arch (come and visit me!), I’m especially excited for my upcoming trip to...

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