Commons Category
Christian Communities: Coming Soon!
Jun. 23, 2017—A brief, brief summary about the Christian communities and a promise. <3
SAQ: General Music Minor/Performance Minor/Orchestra/Music Service!
Jun. 18, 2017—Everything about taking lessons, being in orchestras, taking part in music service, and pursuing a minor!
SAQ: Should I take GenChem for fun?
Jun. 4, 2017—This is part of a series of me answering emailed questions! So email me, friends!
Be Real. Be Very Real. (The 10th Thing I learned Sophomore Year)
Jun. 4, 2017—Look past that curated Instagram and follow these Tips For Being Real
Literally Everything about Academics (Or, How to Succeed at General Chemistry)
May. 29, 2017—Being real about grades, those people with the detailed excel spreadsheets, The Upperclassmen, and of course, General Chemistry. What would be a post without it?
What my Freshman Year Roommate Taught Me
May. 18, 2017—Honestly, I was extremely anxious about my first roommate, especially since I met her through Facebook. We only messaged each other a few times over the summer to coordinate things for the room. I wondered if she would like me or if we would get along. But after my freshman year, I could not have...
I’m Back! With… The Eleven Things I learned Sophomore Year
May. 15, 2017—Sophomore year hit me hard, but sometimes, the hardest hits make the biggest impacts for the better. Welcome to a new series: The Eleven Things I learned Sophomore Year
Things I Learned After One Year at Vandy
May. 9, 2017—You’re going to study a lot more than you ever did, but then you’ll have more fun than you ever did The laundry room is an unexpected but great place to make friends It’s ok to not end up best friends with your roommate Ask for cracked eggs in the commons omelette line But if...
Housing 101
Apr. 12, 2017—With room selection in full swing for current students here at Vanderbilt, the memories of selecting roommates and preparing to live in a dorm community flooded mine and my friends’ minds. Out of our close circle of friends, six are living in a suite in Kissam, a dorm acclaimed for its fantastic food selection and...