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Major Category

May 1st: But What If I Make the Wrong Decision? Some Advice From a Graduating Senior

May. 1, 2019—A little bit of an intro: I get pretty my-way-of-being honest here, so please take whatever I say with a grain of Himalayan pink salt! (If you haven’t had it, you should. It’s just really good salt #highbloodpressureonedaywhat). If you have any questions or concerns, email me at Even though I am graduating, I...

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Being Undecided in College

Apr. 27, 2019—Coming into college, I had no idea what I wanted to major in. I had spent countless afternoons reading through Vanderbilt’s list of majors and I felt uninspired by most. I didn’t feel the burning passion that many people around me felt when they talked about what they’d be majoring in. Obviously, this made me...

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How I Prepped for the MCAT as a Vanderbilt Student

Apr. 8, 2019—Being a college student means that life can often seem hectic. Between classes, extracurricular commitments, and friends, these four years take balance and a whole lot of time management. As a junior, one other thing was added to my already-busy load at Vanderbilt: studying for the MCAT. So, I thought I’d share what that process...

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Using Your Resources

Apr. 7, 2019—One of the great things about being a Vanderbilt student is the plethora of academic, extracurricular, and personal resources available to students. We’re only here for a limited amount of time, so using of all of the services offered is paramount. Here are some of the resources I’ve been able to take advantage of that...

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Why It’s Okay to Change Your Mind about Your Major

Apr. 2, 2019—It has been about a week since regular decisions came out, so firstly, I want to say: Welcome new class of 2023! Being accepted to college is an exciting experience. After the excitement can often come uncertainty. All of a sudden, it seems that everyone wants you to make a decision that might affect the...

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