My Desk (Victoria’s Version)
You might remember Priyanka’s post about what she keeps on her desk. Well, I was inspired to do one of my own! My desk is messier than usual due to the fact it’s currently finals week (Mom, I know you’re reading this. Please don’t look at the picture.) but I like to think it’s accrued a good bit of character over the semester.
For starters, I should mention that I don’t actually work at my desk that often. Vanderbilt has a plethora of study spots, and if I’m having a late night study session, the temptation of having my bed so close can be too much. That being said, I like to think my desk serves as sort of a hub for everything I need to remember or be working on throughout the week.

Here are some notable things in this photo:
1. Notes, papers, and pictures. Towers is pretty cool in that there’s a bulletin board built in under the bookshelf that’s positioned directly above my bed. I have tickets from fun events, sweet notes from friends, photos, and little knick-knacks all tacked up here. You’ll also notice a very messy pile of papers sticking out of the organizer on my desk which are saved pamphlets from a variety of events I’ve been to this year and was going to blog on but never actually did. Oops.
2. Post-its. Like Priyanka, I am a firm believer post-its are essential and one of the greatest inventions ever. I have 4 pads of them currently on my desk, one of which says “Do laundry.”
3. More notepads. I am a lover of notepads and notebooks and in addition to my 4 post-it pads, I also have 5 other notepads sitting on my desk, three of which are typewriter themed. Maybe, just maybe, I am a little bit addicted to notes in all forms. They are great for list making, which I also love.
4. Finals survival essentials. These include my exam pack from the BCM (filled with delicious snacks), bars of chocolate from my Inside ‘Dores Secret Santa (#IDSBSSE2k13), and the complete poems of Emily Dickinson (this was used today for procrastinating and also inspiration).
5. My Macbook and external hard drive. To say my computer is my best friend and travels everywhere with me and is essential to 99% of the things I do here at Vanderbilt might be a little exaggerated, but only in the tiniest bit. My MacBook and I are tight. You’ll also notice I’m writing this blog on my Macbook’s screen. #blogception
Those are just a few of the things you can probably spot in the picture. My desk is quite the perfect little spot for all my study essentials. Now, back to studying at it!