When Dad Comes to Visit
A few weeks ago my dad wanted to see me, so he booked plane tickets to come down to Nashville last weekend! I haven’t seen any of my family yet this semester, so I was super excited to see him. We spent the weekend doing the usual family-comes-to-town things: eating out, going to the Vandy game, and shopping.
As a junior, I have started running out of new restaurants to take my family to, so I have gotten creative. Friday night, I took my dad to Monell’s at the Manor, which is a southern restaurant in a manor house out in the suburbs. They brought out a bunch of plates of food, all of which were delicious, including barbecue short ribs and fried chicken AND chocolate cream pie for dessert.

Last weekend was also Dad’s weekend for my sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, so we went to the Vandy-Georgia game with them Saturday morning. I really enjoyed hanging out with my sisters and meeting their dads. In the beginning the game was looking really good, but then the momentum changed and it looked like Vandy was going to lose. At this point, it was half time and I was hungry, so we went to lunch with my friend Julia who is an Alpha Chi and her dad. We went to Jim ‘N Nick’s, which has really good barbecue. While I’m glad we ate, we missed the second half of a really big game, but we cheered on Vandy from the restaurant as they beat Georgia (it was a big deal that we won, like it hadn’t happened since 1991).
Later that afternoon we hit up Lowe’s to look at piping for my instrumentation class, where we have to make a spirometer. I also did some shopping with my dad in the Cool Springs area. Sunday morning I took my dad to Ethos, the church that I go to. Afterward we went to Marche, which was DELICIOUS. Even though the wait was long, I am obsessed with this place. Unfortunately, my dad had to go back to the airport to catch his 1 o’clock flight, but I am so glad that my dad flew out to spend the weekend with me!