The Beginning of the End
Round 4 commences in a few hours. Being a 3-time veteran of first-day preparations, I knew that it was necessary to soak in all the lazy free time I possibly could before the first day of classes. Once that hits, the busy-bee life of a student here on campus starts!
Right after I moved my stuff in, I left for a cottage on Monteagle for a leadership retreat for Cru, a non-registered student organization that meets on campus! In Cru, I am one of the members of the Outreach team, which is a small group tasked with organizing and carrying out organizations that bridge our organization with the larger Vanderbilt campus. After a solid 24 hours surrounded by other leaders and preparing for the following semester, I returned to campus refreshed and eager to begin initiating different events that reach out to other groups here.

Afterwards, I just spent time catching up with people about their summer breaks and simply getting used to being back on Vanderbilt’s campus. It’s kind of weird how I feel older but still feel like not much time has passed since I was previously on campus. Tonight as my suite mates and I reminisce about past years and avoid the word “senior” at all costs, I think about how this really is the beginning of the end. Next stop: adulthood. It’s exciting, to say the least. “Nerve-wrecking” also adequately describes my emotions. To say that Vanderbilt has shaped me socially, emotionally, and academically is an understatement. I know that I will be prepared for the real world upon graduation. However, I will also be sure to try and soak in every single second I DO have left as a college kid while I can.