Summer Daze
These past few days have been fun and family filled. In honor of my niece’s baby dedication, my parents and I road-tripped up to Pennsylvania to join some family members for a nice little reunion.
My family is THE best. Being able to spend any amount of time with my siblings and cousins is never enough but always wonderful! This reunion largely consisted of eating, talking, and laughing. It really couldn’t have been any better.

The most asked question, by far, was “So, Ash, when’s graduation?” This question left me speechless the first few times I heard it, but as I repeated “next May” over and over again, it finally started sinking in. I’m going to be a senior. A SENIOR, PEOPLE!!! With emails about residence halls opening up and the bustle of packing up my belongings today to drop off at my suite before another family gathering ensues, the reality of “the end” is becoming all too clear. Words cannot adequately describe how perfect of a fit Vanderbilt has been for me, and I am beyond ecstatic to see how these next few months round off my undergraduate experience. But enough talk about the end. In a few days, I’ll be back on campus for good, living among 5 of the best girls I know and absorbing all the black and gold I possibly can.
Also, kick-off for the Ole Miss game is a mere 16 days away. There’s no time to be sad with such awesome things in the very near future.