As I sit here in my dorm room–devoid of all of my possessions aside from extremely plump suitcases–thinking about the school year that’s just ended, I am simultaneously sad and happy. Contradicting emotions, yes, but I’ll explain.
Reasons for Sad:
Reason Number One: My big is graduating in just a few days. She’s going to be spending the next year in Taiwan teaching English through the Fulbright program, which is WAY AWESOME, don’t get me wrong, but I’m sad she won’t be around so that I can see her, since she’s been such a big part of my life at Vanderbilt since I first joined AOII my freshman year. (Additional part of the sadness–all of my friends have left Nashville already and it’s lonely here without them. :( But it’s okay because I’m going home too today!)
Reason Number Two: I only have one more year at Vanderbilt. I feel this is self-explanatory, but I’ll explain briefly–REAL LIFE IS COMING TOO FAST. I want to stay in this wonderful, academic, beautiful, collegiate existence forever. I’d gladly just live in my junior year at Vanderbilt forever.

Reasons for Happy:
Reason Number One: I finished my junior year. While this is also kind of a reason for sad, I am really proud of myself for getting through a tough year and somewhat figuring out what I want to do with my life. Summer plans are figured out (for the most part), finals are over, packing is finished, and I have three solid weeks of relaxing and seeing my friends at home before returning to Nashville.
Reason Number Two: Summer in Nashville. I’m staying in Nashville this summer to continue working in Admissions (and possibly having internship in administration at the Children’s Hospital–still waiting on that one). I’m really looking forward to it since a lot of my friends (including Victoria) are staying in Nashville this summer and we have a summer to do list already going strong. I can’t wait to explore Nashville without the looming threat of a mountain of homework!
Reason Number Three: I get to see my mommy today! (I don’t care how old I am, this will never not be exciting.)
There may be a more reflective post on my junior year coming in the future, but for now–adios Nashville!