It’s only April 23rd and we had our last day of classes yesterday!
One of the best adjustments you’ll make in college is that you’re done with classes and exams at least a few weeks (if not a month) before high schoolers. Vanderbilt is even done earlier than most of the colleges my friends from home go to, so I’ve been enjoying rubbing that in.
The last day of classes is always fun because you usually just review previous material from the semester and sometimes professors even bring food to celebrate (seriously, last Thursday both of my classes had donuts…so obviously I couldn’t say no). My theatre class was especially interesting yesterday, because we studied criticism the whole semester and had to write a “manifesto” about our rules as critics. It surprised me how comfortable I felt critiquing productions, since I felt so unqualified in the beginning and was little afraid to share my opinion in front of all the Theatre majors. Don’t get me wrong, the students in that class are really nice and non-judgemental, I just felt like it wasn’t my place to critique theatre when they’re all involved in Vanderbilt University Theatre, Vanderbilt Off-Broadway, or Original Cast. But what I learned this semester is that anyone who writes about a production afterwards can be a critic, and that term doesn’t have to be a negative one. Not to mention my perspective was welcomed in class discussions since I have such a different academic background at Vanderbilt than most of the students in that class.

Since I had so many group presentations this semester, I only have one final. Unfortunately it’s not until the second-to-last day of exams, May 1st. Luckily that means that I can get away with catching up on my sleep for the next few days. It also means that I don’t have to cram for any finals and can pace myself for the next week. I’m keeping myself busy by going to Vandy baseball games, eating dinner with friends, and having my interview with our pre-med adviser so he can write me a recommendation for medical school. Today, though, I plan on painting my nails and seeing a movie. Slow and steady wins the race, right?