Scheduling Begins
It’s halfway through March and we’re entering the home-stretch. A (mere?) six weeks of class and a finals week lay between me and a very, very long summer break. It might come as a surprise, then, that the scheduling process for next semester (Fall 2011) has already begun. While it logistically makes sense to open up class registration before school is out and everyone has forgotten that Vandy involves academics, it’s still a bit weird to be planning out my classes for next semester when I won’t start them for over 5 months.
For ROTC, cadets fill out a form called the 104-R, or the “Planned Academic Program Worksheet,” which is essentially a chart for filling out all predicted classes until graduation. While the original effort to plan every class for the rest of my time at Vanderbilt, being sure that all necessary prerequisites were met for each and that nothing went out of order or over the 18-hour per semester limit, was a daunting task, it was tremendously helpful when I got the email about YES (Your Enrollment Service(s)) opening for next semester. If you’re interested in the form, it’s readily available via a simple Google search for “104R.”
Anyhow, as of now, my next semester looks like a joyous celebration of all things engineering: Circuits, Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Linear Algebra, Mechanics of Materials, and Military Science for ROTC. I’m actually really excited – I love the discipline-specific classes.
Instead of decorating this post with a depressing picture of scheduling, here’s a sweet picture of some trees on campus. I saw them on the way to Melodores rehearsal the other night (ICCA SEMIFINALS THIS WEEKEND) and had to stop and take a picture out of sheer excitement.