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The Beauty of Campus

Posted by on Monday, April 12, 2010 in College Life, General Information, Nashville, Weather.

Looking ahead at the next ten days – an average temp of 80 degrees with sunny skies! I really should start taking pictures of the views around campus. Some trees are starting to bloom and everything is just gorgeous. Everybody around campus is trying to find a way to take their work outside. Around campus everybody is laying out with books, study guides, even typing up papers. I only wish we could have outdoor practice rooms… Stepping outside to walk around, there is such a positive energy seeing everyone enjoying the simple joys of nature. The weather lately has just been ideal. Many professors have decided to have class outside because of it. The great thing is the pollen isn’t bad either.

We truly have had it all this year in terms of weather. We have had beautiful vistas of untainted snow and soon to be fully blooming trees providing shade around our beautiful architecture. Below are just a couple of shots of Kirkland Hall on old campus that I snapped with my cell phone, one from a couple months ago and the other a few weeks ago. Vanderbilt is ranked in the top 20 prettiest campuses for a reason!

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