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‘study breaks’

Life at Vandy: Finals Week

Apr. 29, 2017—Ever wondered what finals week entails at Vanderbilt? This semester, I am taking six courses: Sex and Society, Health Care Policy, Econometrics, Junior Honors Economics’ Research, Construction of Reality, and Early Renaissance Florence. All these classes had either examinations or research papers due during finals week. Here’s what my finals’ timeline looks like for the Spring...

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Think Positive

Dec. 13, 2015—Finals week in college is an interesting time. For the first time since August, it feels like everything halts. Maybe that’s a weird way of thinking about it, because the amount of studying that is occurring on this campus right now can in no way be described as a “break.” When I say that campus...

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Tune In Tuesday

Nov. 16, 2015—Students incorporating their interests of music and their desire to relax into an alternative study break!

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Wacky Wednesdays

Jan. 23, 2015—After what usually ends up being a late night of newspaper production every Tuesday for the Hustler, I wake up on Wednesday mornings a little more tired than usual. Unfortunately for me, Wednesdays happen to be my busiest day of the week this semester, with not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR classes,...

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