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So I Heard You Got Into Vandy – A Brief FAQ

Mar. 26, 2015—First off, CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you’re as excited about Vanderbilt as I was when I found out I was accepted, that fateful day just under a year ago. But that’s a story for another post… Whether you’re 100% sold on Vanderbilt, or still on the fence, I’m sure you have like a million questions about...

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Registering from Abroad, Part 2: Classes

Apr. 24, 2013—Part 2 of my Registering from Abroad guide. How does registering for courses work when you're abroad? Pretty much the same as if you're in Nashville. And when choosing a university, it's important to remember even the little things like an easy to navigate enrollment process.

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First Week of Class!

Jan. 12, 2012—The first week of classes, also known as “syllabus week”, is the week where everyone tries to figure out their schedule, and I am often known to go to as many as six classes in a day to try and figure out which ones I like!

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Now It’s November!

Nov. 3, 2011—November is here, and I can’t believe it. The weather is slowly but surely getting chillier, and the leaves are starting to fall from the trees, and class registration for next semester is here!

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