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7 Questions to Stop Asking Your College Student

Nov. 27, 2014—Upon being home for several days, it has dawned on me that not every conversation back home is created equal. The reality of being home for college students is that there are many acquaintances and high school friends' moms' cousins' aunts to answer to when the barrage of career and education-related questions are inevitably hurled our way. It's good to ask university-folk about what they've been up to, but here are a few things to consider not asking around the dinner table this holiday. Your sleep-deprived college student will thank you.

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Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Minus the Sweat and Tears)

Oct. 1, 2013—I'm not quite sure how it happened, but since coming to Vandy, giving blood has become one of my favorite pastimes. Savin' lives left and right; you can't stop me. This is probably the most bizarre confession I've ever made, but hey, is there an easier act of service than sitting in a comfy chair, sipping Sprite while nice nurses take fluids out of your arm?

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