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Three Continents in Three Months

Posted by on Saturday, May 5, 2018 in College Life, Internship, Pre-Med, Pre-Med, Study Abroad, Summer.

Junior year is… OVER!!!

Three continents in three months?!! Sophie, where are you going?

Yes, that’s really the question. I’ll probably get lost. With me, it’s pretty much inevitable. But right now, I’m in Vienna, Austria, relaxing a little before I start the real hospice work in the UK in about a week. I’m excited to start shadowing, interviewing, etc.

What prompted this trip to Vienna, London, Rome, Kolkata, Goa, Sydney, and San Francisco? A lot of different factors, more of which I’ll go into later. At this point, I’ll say that I had the opportunity to a fund through the Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship to engage in a study abroad or research experience (my project is more the latter, though technically couched as a “personal development experience”) and secondly, that I’ve become more and more interested in palliative and hospice care since I saw the AMAZING Dr. B.J. Miller talk at the Columbia Medical Center narrative medicine workshop in New York City a little more than a month ago.

That’s all I’ll say for now, since it’s 2:05 AM in Vienna and I’m a little sleepy. For more information, check out my blog here:

Also, def feel free to email me! I might take a few days to get back to you, but I promise that I *will* get back to you!

So much love,
