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On Unchecked Boxes and Sophomore Year

Posted by on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 in College Life, Dining, Food, Music, Nashville, Student Life, Studying.

Hi. My name is Lee, and I’m a compulsive to-do list maker with a schedule that barely gives me time to eat sitting down.

At least that long to-do list is pretty to look at (shoutout to the Momentum extension for Google Chrome!).

(Cue soft chorus of “hi, Lee”s from the assembled crowd, Styrofoam cups of instant coffee with non-dairy creamer teetering on their knees.)

All jokes about the Type A Personality Support Group aside—and if anyone knows of one of those in the Nashville area, give me a shout—I’ve occasionally felt this semester like I’m living in a world where I never actually cross out all of the things on my to-do list. Sometimes they get scooted up a day or two, with little blurbs in my planner like “take Orgo notes” or “get flu shot” re-written each day with increasing urgency—“take Orgo notes” becoming “TAKE ORGO NOTES,” and, if things get really dire, simply “ORGOOOOOO” underlined several times over.

'Tis the season to be vaccinated!

This stressed me out at first. I knew that taking seventeen hours, eleven of which consisted of hard science and lab classes, was going to mean that I would need to really stay on top of my schedule. I’m also running a marathon in a little over six weeks (eep!), so getting sufficient sleep and not subsisting on microwavable Munchie Mart meals has been essential (although the Amy’s pesto tortellini is a solid substitute for Tort Tuesday in a pinch).

What I’m saying here, if you haven’t gathered, is that my plate is pretty full.

Over the last few weeks, though, I’ve reached a Zen-like place of acceptance about how busy I am this semester. I’ve already spent more time with friends in the past month than I think I did for most of freshman year, gotten to explore Nashville more, and really enjoyed all of the work I have for my classes, even though it’s a heavy courseload. There’s that old, semi-gimmicky saying that goes “find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life,” right? Well, I think I’m starting to figure out that it applies to college, too.

The Weeks (natives of my hometown of Jackson, MS AND of my high school!) performing at Marathon Music Works last December. Yes, I was actually that close to the stage.

As a Tour Guide, I have the distinct pleasure every week of telling families and prospective students just why I chose to make Vanderbilt my home, and I’ve jumped right on the bandwagon of waving our “Happiest Students in America” statistic around like a pom-pom whenever I can. We’re serious about that statistic ‘round these parts, let me tell y’all. And what better indicator of happiness is there than being excited about all the boxes yet left un-checked?

[Photo credits to the Vanderbilt Facebook page]

Spotted above: me in my natural habitat, yelling at confused and excited first-years on Move-In Day (I’m the overenthusiastic blonde one. Also, disclaimer: I was standing off the curb. I’m not that short. Let it be known.)

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