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Nationals! WOOHOO!

Posted by on Thursday, November 15, 2012 in Athletics, College Life, General Information, Student Life, Thanksgiving Break.

Hello lovely readers.  I am in an especially good mood today because today’s the day I leave for nationals!  Wahoo!  (The first half of this post was written earlier today–I’m currently in Memphis now.  Woohoo!)

Last year, I wrote a couple of blog posts about nationals, but basically, the women’s club soccer team travels every year to the national tournament, which was previously held in Phoenix, Arizona the last two years–something that I really enjoyed, since my family could drive to Phoenix and watch my games.  This year, however, the tournament is in Memphis, just a few hours away from Nashville.  While I’m disappointed my family won’t be able to make it, I’m really excited to get the chance to see a new city and have three glorious days of playing soccer and hanging out with my team.  (Also a plus–we might get back to Nashville in time to go to the Vanderbilt v. UT football game–win!)  One thing about going to nationals–we have to miss the last two days of classes before Thanksgiving break, so in order for us to go, it means that our professors are super understanding and willing to accomodate us as a team, even though we aren’t a varsity sport.  A lot of us turned assignments in or took tests early, or are submitting assignments via email while we are here.  Basically, professors are great for being flexible and allowing us to have the opportunity to come to this tournament.

Now that I’ve arrived in Memphis, I will tell you a little about my day–packing and saying bye to my friends, and the drive over here.  I got out of class at two and went for a Starbucks run with Victoria as our last hurrah before I left.  I then went back to my room and spent the next two hours (I know this sounds like a long time, but I also showered and ate dinner too!) scrambling to make sure I had all of my soccer stuff and everything else I needed for the next few days, and then raced down the elevator to meet my friends to drive to Memphis.  Four hours and one pit stop at Steak and Shake later, here we are!  More updates to come either tomorrow or Friday!  For now, it’s time for bed–hooray for sleep!

P.S. — Apologies for the awkward timeline, it was a busy day and I wrote half of this post before I left, and half of it once I got here…

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